Do you know your way around your keyboard? Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to do something that you’d typically do with a mouse. These are a few very easy to remember keyboard shortcuts. They are guaranteed to make your busy day, that little bit easier.
- Copy: Ctrl + C
- Paste: Ctrl + P
- Cut: Ctrl + X
- Bold: Ctrl + B
- Lock your PC: Windows logo key + L
- Task View: Windows logo key + Tab
- Bookmark: Ctrl + D
- Select all: Ctrl + A
- Switch between open apps: Windows logo key + D
- Shutdown options: Windows logo key + X
- Undo: Ctrl + Z
- Screenshot: Alt + PrtSc
- Start menu: Ctrl + Esc
- Minimise Program: Windows logo key + downward arrow
- Maximise Program: Windows logo key + upward arrow
Try these out on your keyboard and see how much easier it is. Don’t forget to check out our other Tip of the Week: 3 Steps You Can Take to Keep Your Computer Clean – SMG Business Solutions Ltd (
You can also refer to the Microsoft website where you can find hundred’s of shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts in Windows – Microsoft Support